Unlocking Multilingual Learners' Potential: Strategies for Making Content Accessible

Fostering Multilingual Learners’ (MLs’) access to content and acquisition of language is crucial to effectively position them for academic success. Our brand new 25-hour book study is designed for educators looking for tools and strategies to support MLs’ learning in their context. The book study is framed around Diane Staehr Fenner, PhD, Sydney Snyder, PhD, and Meghan Gregoire-Smith, MA's best selling book Unlocking Multilingual Learners' Potential: Strategies for Making Content Accessible. This professional development opportunity, applicable for ELD teachers, content teachers, and administrators, allows you to independently read, reflect on, and apply your learning.

The book includes research-based strategies, checklists, and tools for teaching MLs in such areas as:

    • Scaffolding instruction for MLs,
    • Teaching academic language to MLs,
    • Fostering MLs’ oral language development,
    • Building MLs’ background knowledge, and
    • Using formative assessments with MLs.

The book study is self-paced and can be completed according to your schedule. 

*Please note: Purchase of this course does not include the book.

Unlocking MLs book study

Cost: $175.00

Plus 3% additional processing fee when paying by credit card or PayPal


Use the button above to pay through PayPal and be enrolled within minutes!

We offer a 15% bulk discount for groups of 10 or more per district.

We also accept purchase orders to facilitate payment by invoice. Please reach out to Courses@SupportEd.com for more information.

Last modified: Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 3:22 PM